Page name: Hopeless Romantics [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-21 04:35:41
Last author: Morgan le Fay
Owner: Morgan le Fay
# of watchers: 122
Fans: 0
D20: 2
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Are you the kind of person who spends hours daydreaming about when your Prince Charming will come and sweep you away to a land where homework didn't exist? Or maybe you are the kind of guy who waits for your own Cinderella to come waltzing down the red carpeted steps so you may wisp her off her feet?

If so, you are in the right place.

Hopeless Romantics is a little group of people who have their heads in their own fantasy worlds more often than not. Here, you will find others who are just as dreamy as you are.

Hopeless Romantics: Sign Up Come here to sign up with HR!
Hopeless Romantics: Banners Even more banners to put in your house!
Hopeless Romantics: Newbies New and want to introduce yourself? Want to meet the staff? Come here!
Hopeless Romantics: Chat For those who just want to dream and tell about it.
Hopeless Romantics: Art Here, you may post all art related items, such as drawings, poetry, and books.
Hopeless Romantics: Contests Just the occasional contest for you to be involved in. Current contests: Halloween Themed
Hopeless Romantics: Staff Have a question? Maybe a suggestion? Or do you just want to know who is running this circus? This be the place for ye!
Hopeless Romantics: Advice Have problems with a crush or relationship etc... come on in.
Hopeless Romantics: Awards Me new idea. Come on in and hear about it!
Hopeless Romantics: The Paper Want to be involved with HR? Want to advertise your own wiki? Come look at the HR paper!

Have fun!

Opening for Vice President of HR
If you are interested, please email me at JC_ARTWORKS@YAHOO.COM with HR-Application in the subject or you can message me here. Please include a paragraph on why you consider yourself the best canidate for this position (experience in running online organizations, personality, whatever else you can think of). Thank you.
-[Morgan le Fay]

*June 12, 2005 - Okay. I've figured it out. I have finally come to the conclusion that I cannot do everything. Due to my getting into th largest musical production of the summer in my county, I am spending less and less time online due to the rehersals and am finding it very difficult to keep up with all my Elftown obligations. I am not ready to completely disappear, but I am looking for help. I am looking for someone who can be sort of vice president of this place and help me stay on top of the mountain of work that is HR (I love it dearly, but it has become a lot of work...). If you are interested, please email me at JC_ARTWORKS@YAHOO.COM with HR-Application in the subject. (I check this daily but do not always have the time to check my messages here). Please include a paragraph on why you consider yourself the best canidate for this position (experience in running online organizations, personality, whatever else you can think of). I really care for this place and am not going to let just anyone take up second-in-command. Please don't get upset if I don't pick you: I am only wanting what is best for the community.

Thank you for your patience and please accept my apologies for not being what this community deserves.
-[Morgan le Fay]

*May 17, 2005 - Wow... I haven't updated in a LONG time.... I'm sorry... I really am. And I am quite thankful that you all haven't come after me with pitchforks and burned down the cardboard box in which I live. Well, you all deserve an explanation, so I'm going to give you one whether you like it or not. I got in the spring play at school (Margot in The Diary of Anne Frank). It was wonderful! And then I have a gazillion auditions for stuff this summer/next year. And homework. And life. (I think I like it better when I DON'T have one of these.) I hope you all can forgive me...^^ If not... Well, that makes me sad. In my absence, however, you all have done a fantastic job!!! And there are more members than I ever could have wished for!! I plan on doing a slightly different layout for this place as soon as I get my computer fixed (as my sister's has no paint programs AT ALL) which should be soon. And it will be after finals are over/school ends (ONE week!!!). So hang in there all!!!!

Hugs to all!!!!
-[Morgan le Fay]

*January 10, 2005 - Long time, no see! Happy New Years to everyone and I hope everyone had a nice holiday season! I'm really sorry I haven't been around often, but I have been quite busy. (To see full rantings about what has been going, check out In fact, I just got a part in a play in which there were only five female roles, so I am quite proud. But, unfortunately, that means more of my being busy and absent from Elftown. I hope you will all forgive me! For the moment, everything to do with the contests will be put on hold until at least early March (when I get my life/free time back). I hope you all are okay with this... ^_^ Until then, have fun chatting around here and being the Hopeless Romantics that you are! /end cheesy comment

*December 8, 2004 - Whoo! The musical went great and I'm finally getting back on top of all the school work. But, as I doubt you all care, I'll move on. ^_^ A new contest is up over at Hopeless Romantics: Contests! Go look at it! It is a really great way to get involved! And it proves to me that there are a lot of members here, instead of people who just sign the list and disappear, which I frown upon.... makes me sad, those kinds of people. But to you all who do talk in the comments and participate in the contests and help out the newbies, I really do appreciate you! And, speaking of member counts, I would like to congradulate you all for reaching 650 members. As I haven't really done much these past months, you all must have been the ones bringing in the members. Thanks to you all, we are now one of the biggest wikis here! Whoo! Okay, I'll stop bragging on you now... ^_^ But, going back to what I was saying, you guys who are not participating need to say hello over at Hopeless Romantics: Newbies! The members of HR are really quite helpful and we don't bite! Well... most of us don't.... ^_^* Ok... I'll stop for now...

- Wheeeeeee! 

[Morgan le Fay]

*October 19, 2004 - 600 members! Woot! Um. Contests are still going on if anyone would like to join! You all probably aren't going to be seeing a lot of me this month as not only do I have a few musical preformances, but also am participating in NANOWRIMO (For more information, go to ). Yes, I have no life. Okay, leaving now I am!


*September 30, 2004 - New contest started at Hopeless Romantics: Contests Huzzah for halloween themed contests. Winners of the previous contests also posted. Thats it for the moment...^_^;


*September 17, 2004 - Whew... I'm tired. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It looks like I might be REALLY busy until the end of November (I got into the school musical... lotsa' rehersals) so don't be worried that I abandoned you all or something if I don't seem to be around that much... ^^ New page! Hopeless Romantics: The Paper is up! Moved the classifides there as well as a place for you all to advertise what-not. the Hopeless Romantics: Awards are still going on! Nominate people! 

Time for shameless self-promotion! I am teaching a photography class over at the Elftown Academy if anyone is interested in a Black & White class! Ok.... I'll stop now... ^_^


No, not really. 'Tis Morgan... again...

P.S. I would love to think of something big to do for HR's one year birthday (November 25). If anyone has any suggestions, bump over to Hopeless Romantics: Staff

*August 31, 2004 - w00t! We got an award! We are up at the The Wiki Awards! Wow! Ok, that makes my day! I know you all deserve some new pages, or whatever, but nobody is telling me what they want! Head over to the Hopeless Romantics: Staff to suggest some! PLEASE! The Hopeless Romantics: Awards are starting up, so go there and nominate people! Ta for now!


*August 5, 2004 ~ I'm back! Vacation was fun, but I'm glad to be back home with an internet connection. [HiddenFire], great job with HR while I was gone. Am glad to see it isn't up in flames. ^_^ Well, I have some ideas for the wiki, but they will have to wait until another time when I am fully awake. I do, however, plan on getting us into the wiki award nominations tonight. Just thought it would be neat. 
-Guess who.

for those of you who couldn't, [Morgan le Fay]

*July 27, 2004 ~ Yes, I am still alive but considering there has been no nice update yet, I doubt you all care. ^_^ Well, I am leaving town tomorrow for a vacation so I won't be back till thursday. [HiddenFire] is hearby in charge of HR until my return, just to make sure that the wiki isn't up in flames when I get back. ^_^ Ok, well, I'll see you all Thursday! ::grabs suitcase:: Vegas, here I come!


*June 17, 2004 ~ Ok, you all deserve an update... a nice fat update... but, I'll have to give you an I.O.U for right now. I am so swamped. It's summer and I'm more busy than I was during the school year. Thanks [gal pal] for being member #400! In the May 12 entry, I talk about an idea I was bouncing around other members/staff and I have decided to go for it. I've gotten some mixed feelings on it, but if it flops, oh well. The world won't come to an end. I'm currently making a page for it so I'll talk about it there. Well, that's it for now...

-Morgan (again)

P.S. Just got that section finished. Go to Hopeless Romantics: Awards to read about it.

Hopeless Romantics: Old News

Username (or number or email):


2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: .....

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: lol ^-^

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: lol

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: lol ^-^

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: lol yea

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: yup.....

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: :D

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: ^-^

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: ^-^

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: i'm going,ttyl

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: kk ttyl

2006-07-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: lol

2006-07-14 [Alfirin Lindlea]: Wow that looks like a fascinating conversation :-p

2006-07-14 [Light for the Darkness]: what? between me and misty? lol yea.. she doesn't talk much... lol nor do I but I talk more than she does though I think.. lol

2006-07-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: HEY!THAT'S NOT NICE!*sits in a corner*

2006-07-15 [Light for the Darkness]: what? I just talk more than you thats all I say... well.. sometimes

2006-07-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-15 [haldirrox]: lol. i know. I don't have very many long-winded conversations with you, either, though, Betrayal.

2006-07-15 [Light for the Darkness]: lol no you dont!!! lol I'm just weird like that though.. yay!!! lol

2006-07-15 [haldirrox]: hehe. we both are.

2006-07-15 [Light for the Darkness]: lol yay!!! lol

2006-07-15 [haldirrox]: hehe

2006-07-15 [Light for the Darkness]: lol

2006-07-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: what's up with all the laughing?

2006-07-16 [Light for the Darkness]: no clue.... lol

2006-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-16 [Light for the Darkness]: you seem real happy... not....

2006-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm hyper*hops like the easter bunny*

2006-07-16 [Light for the Darkness]: I'm tired......

2006-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-16 [Light for the Darkness]: yup....

2006-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-16 [Light for the Darkness]: ^-^

2006-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm so cool

2006-07-16 [Light for the Darkness]: lol yea

2006-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-16 [Light for the Darkness]: .........

2006-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-16 [Light for the Darkness]: ^-^ do you listen to Hinder? or have you ever heard of them?

2006-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: who is hinder

2006-07-16 [Blaithin]: I love Hinder. Wish I had more of their songs.

2006-07-16 [Asalli_Angel]: ...

2006-07-17 [Light for the Darkness]: yea Hinder is awesome.. its a band... although I forgot and dont know what catergory(or whatever.. I'm tired right now) they'd be in.....

2006-07-17 [Blaithin]: I'd say rock myself.

2006-07-17 [Light for the Darkness]: yea.. me too.... heh sorry I'm tired.....

2006-07-17 [Asalli_Angel]: tired me too...

2006-07-17 [Light for the Darkness]: yea.. I'm more awake now though

2006-07-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-17 [Light for the Darkness]: yup....

2006-07-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: that's good you're awake

2006-07-17 [Light for the Darkness]: lol yea it is!! lol

2006-07-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-18 [Light for the Darkness]: lol yup

2006-07-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-18 [Light for the Darkness]: ^-^

2006-07-18 [Asalli_Angel]: Gah!

2006-07-18 [Light for the Darkness]: what? oh my sister officially declared me a hopeless romantic.... lol

2006-07-18 [Asalli_Angel]: HAHAHAHA

2006-07-18 [Light for the Darkness]: lol she said I was a couple of weeks ago, like, last week or the week before... lol and my other sister is a wreakless romantic..... lmao its funny.. she teases us about it all the time!! lol

2006-07-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-21 [haldirrox]: hey

2006-07-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-21 [Light for the Darkness]: lol hello

2006-07-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2006-07-21 [Light for the Darkness]: whats up?

2006-07-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: nothing much,u?

2006-07-21 [Light for the Darkness]: nothing much

2006-07-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-21 [Light for the Darkness]: yup

2006-07-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-21 [Light for the Darkness]: ................

2006-07-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-22 [haldirrox]: hilo

2006-07-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2006-07-23 [haldirrox]: how are you?

2006-07-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: good,and u?

2006-07-23 [haldirrox]: good.

2006-07-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-23 [Alfirin Lindlea]: I like how you two are having exactly the same conversation on two wikis at the same time :P (I'm not a stalker, I just happen to have them both on watch)

2006-07-23 [haldirrox]: lol. that's great. i didn't realize that.

2006-07-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: me either

2006-07-23 [haldirrox]: that's funny,t hough.

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-24 [haldirrox]: yeah...

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-24 [haldirrox]: lol

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-24 [haldirrox]: :)

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm happy

2006-07-24 [haldirrox]: why?

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: I just am.

2006-07-24 [haldirrox]: that's a good thing, i guess.

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-24 [haldirrox]: ...

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-24 [haldirrox]: lol

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-07-24 [haldirrox]: hehe

2006-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: :-)

2006-07-24 [Light for the Darkness]: -ish tired and back-

2006-07-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok,hi

2006-07-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: My evil twin:Hottie of the Town please go there

2006-07-28 [haldirrox]: guess what?

2006-07-28 [Light for the Darkness]: what? and no chicken butt business either......

2006-07-28 [haldirrox]: no. i'm extremely happy cuz i met this totally sweet guy at adult school, and ireally like him, and he really likes me, and ....i'm happy....!yeay!

2006-07-28 [Light for the Darkness]: lol awww congrats!!!!!!

2006-07-28 [haldirrox]: ...not so much...i was wrong...he likes someone else.

2006-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,i'm sorry*hugs*

2006-07-30 [Light for the Darkness]: awww I'm sorry too... -hugs too-

2006-08-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: poor you

2006-08-01 [Light for the Darkness]: yea.....

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: kinda...he's just a lying all the guys i get interested in.

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: -nods- I know how that is.......

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: yeah...

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: I hope I actually found the right one this time... and if I have, I hope something actually happens soon........

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: i'd like to find the right one someday.

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: yea... I bet... I do too if I haven't found him now.....

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: getting married and having kids someday would be a good thing.

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: yea.... -smiles and laughs- I have my future little girls name picked out... except for her last one... but I know what I want it to be... Felicity Marie... and I want my sons name to be Tobey.

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: i want my little girl's name to be Lily Rose Star. don'[t know about a little boy, though.

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: lol thats cool.

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: yeah. i thought it was beautiful when i saw it in a book.

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: yea... Marie is a hand me down middle name kinda... we have four generations so far and I hope my children pass it along. its the oldest daughter gets the middle name of Marie.. and I just like Felicity.. I think its beautiful... well then it does mean happiness so duh but.. yea... lol I'm pathetic... and I just like Tobey..... so hopefully my husband will tolerate me.. he can pick Tobey's middle name though!!! lol

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: i would insist on his middle name being name...and he can choose the first name.

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: lol thats cool!! lol

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: yeah.

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: ^-^ thats kinda cool we've both got family names.... well most families do I think but anywho... lol

2006-08-02 [haldirrox]: lol. that's really cute.

2006-08-02 [Light for the Darkness]: what is?

2006-08-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2006-08-03 [Light for the Darkness]: hi hi

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know who you used to be.

2006-08-03 [Light for the Darkness]: who?

2006-08-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ambria

2006-08-04 [Light for the Darkness]: oh yea.. did you just now figure that out? not being a smartalek... literally... I was just curious....

2006-08-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: yeah,I looked at one of my old messages.

2006-08-12 [haldirrox]: didn't your name used to be Kiss of Betrayal?

2006-08-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: yes her name did,she changed it,again.

2006-08-12 [haldirrox]: lol. i do that, too. on my myspace, though.

2006-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm on myspace.

2006-08-19 [haldirrox]: ...really?

2006-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-08-19 [haldirrox]: spiffy

2006-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: huh?

2006-08-19 [haldirrox]: that you're on myspace.

2006-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: oh

2006-08-19 [haldirrox]: lol

2006-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: It's cool being on myspace.

2006-08-19 [haldirrox]: I suppose it is..

2006-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep,I only talk to my friend from here and from school

2006-08-19 [haldirrox]: Yeah, that's what I do, too.

2006-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: cool

2006-09-01 [Light for the Darkness]: yea it is.. and was... well.. its actually my real name... anywho, if you want to take a look, which on second thought may be a bit hard... for some reason, which is probly good, I think I have it set on private accidentally... but anywho, if you want my url or whatever, message me

2006-09-01 [DeadlyAlucard]: Myspace is stupid. Delete your account now.

2006-09-01 [Light for the Darkness]: uhh well its kinda what I have to talk to my friends and what not. its like being on here... well... more or less... I talk to all of my friends on there but other than that...

2006-09-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: i'm on myspace.

2006-09-01 [Alfirin Lindlea]: yeah myspace kicks aaaarse

2006-09-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-09-02 [haldirrox]: I agree with all of the above except for Cigarette.

2006-09-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: YAY

2006-09-03 [haldirrox]: if you say so

2006-09-05 [Light for the Darkness]: -laughs-

2006-09-05 [medina]: hellos people!!!

2006-09-05 [Light for the Darkness]: hihi!!!

2006-09-06 [The "Problem" Child]: I'm sorry for intrupting but how do I join?

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: uhh.. to tell you the honest truth, I dont remember... sorry...

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi.

2006-09-06 [medina]: whats up??

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: nothing much.

2006-09-06 [medina]: sux.....

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: hilo....

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: how are you?

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: good,and you?

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: I'm good. thanks for asking!

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: that's good

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: -nods- yup! so whats up?

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: nothing much.

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: thats cool..

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: not really

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: mmm.. yea.. I know...

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: such an exciting life... well.. mine is anyway... (is being sarcastic)

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: I live in a neighborhood with old people there isn't anyone my age.

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: oh that sucks... thats like around my grandparents neighborhood..

2006-09-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-09-06 [Light for the Darkness]: it sucks

2006-09-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-09-07 [Light for the Darkness]: I'm happy...

2006-09-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: me too

2006-09-07 [Light for the Darkness]: thats good

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